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Prose – Crystal Lee Writes

The Fall Of Eden

In the beginning, the Creator moulded man from the dirt of the earth and breathed life in him. Fashioned in the artist’s likeness, man moved upon the planet and took guardianship over every living thing, his hands both a masterpiece and a maker. He named each animal one by one, tending to the land and … Read more

Remembering You

I wanted to hold your handAs I carried you on my hipLet you feel the face of a leafPoint up at the starsThat one is youAnd that’s meAnd that’s DaddyI wanted to show you the vastness of the worldFrom our small corner of the planetTeach you how to roll honey off your tongueAnd wiggle your … Read more

A Stone’s Throw Away

Over the balcony Just a stone’s throw away A reminder catches the sun Of an absence felt but not spoken Guarded through smiles and how are you’s Two lives run parallel Once beginning on the same path Then abruptly diverging One with less sleep The other with battered dreams One with cooing The other with … Read more


“Let’s dance?” Our feet took the leadCold tiles against warm skin John Legend sang through the dining room Sweet steps, from honeymoon days, flowed in  Muscle memory nudged us to twirl I caught a sparkle in his eye Dimmed from age, but a twinkle still A white candle danced beside usGreat love is easily treasured … Read more

Dancing Through Time

As the elephant tracks water from miles awayAnd the hummingbird knows when to fly north The newborn turtle scurries towards the sea As the sunflower rises and droops each day And the Earth rotates every 24 hours The bee forgets not where to find the hive As the baby in utero knows the mother’s voice … Read more