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Crystal Lee. Writer

Our world was built from words. Words have the power to construct communities, rupture relationships, and transform thinking. With the right wordsmith holding the pen, your story can come to life.

Writing Services

Content/Feature Writing

Need content for your magazine/website? I can create blogs, articles, and/or business write-ups in your desired length to inform and captivate your audience.


Compelled to share your voice but not sure how to get your thoughts on the page? I can take your thoughts and turn them into pages. Together, we can make a great team.


Want someone to look over your body of text and offer proofreading, structural editing and maybe a little rewriting? I’m precise and enjoy the nitty-gritty.

Fiction And Non-Fiction: Works In Progress

Outside my window, a sparrow paused mid-flight; her mud wings laced around the fingers of an invisible puppeteer as he dangled her life against the blue curtain. Her feathers were rigid as a stick, her beak frozen in time. A static rainbow moved vertically across her like on a television screen. Half in slumber, half alert, I habitually searched for a remote control to change the channel, but when my vision shifted from peripheral to focus, the sparrow seemed to have landed on the building across the street. What had I seen? Where did those seconds go? Not a hint of struggle lingered in the air for the bird, but I was so sure that someone had hit pause on the remote.

(Draft 1) Excerpt from Scarlett’s story, Reflections In A Needle

I looked in her eyes and it terrified me – in the most beautiful way, because in them I saw so much depth, so much life, so much understanding, such that did not align with that of a 10-day-old baby. She held my gaze. She looked right back into my eyes. I kept telling her over and over, “I’m your mama, I’m your mama.” I wanted to soak her soul, her very essence, her very existence, into my heart, and I wanted her to do the same. 

(Draft 1) Excerpt. For Aleiyah Lee.

“Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.”

Sylvia Plath

Creative Writing & Publications

  • The Fall Of Eden
    In the beginning, the Creator moulded man from the dirt of the earth and breathed life in him. Fashioned in the artist’s likeness, man moved upon the planet and took guardianship over every living thing, his hands both a masterpiece and a maker. He named each animal one by one, tending to the land and caring for the flock. Then the Creator took woman out of man, that man would not be alone, and marriage was born. Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh; man is ordained to leave his parents and cleave to his … Read more
  • Remembering You
    I wanted to hold your handAs I carried you on my hipLet you feel the face of a leafPoint up at the starsThat one is youAnd that’s meAnd that’s DaddyI wanted to show you the vastness of the worldFrom our small corner of the planetTeach you how to roll honey off your tongueAnd wiggle your toes on the fluffy rugLook baby, it’s a bird in the tree!And watch your eyes marvel in gleeFeel you hold on tightAs we snuggle on the couchBut now I lie hereAlone in our spotTaking naps without you kicking my tummyI watch … Read more

Let’s Chat About Your Project

Need a writer/editor? Have any questions? I’d love to hear from you to discuss your project needs!

Online Snippets

When I was a kid, a wild and exquisite being cast a spell on me. 
Failing to extinguish the magic, I allowed it to dwell in my space. 
In return, I required nothing less than this being's irrevocable devotion to creating within me a world in which we could coexist. 
We set off to build a world that would curtain the harshness of humanity and to fill it with heroes and creatures we could both fall in love with.